All about me, life as a Park Lane chick, decorating, networking, tradition ideas, pets, family life and more.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
project 365 - day 63
Friday, February 27, 2009
project 365 - day 62
For a few mornings I've been noticing when I go out to my car to leave for work in the morning, the bird feeder has a beautiful red bird in it. I finally decided I would try to snap a pic of it. Naturally I am not quite quick enough for the bird, but I got a great shot of the feeder. lol. Maybe one of these days I will manage to get the bird, too!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
project 365 - day 61
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
project 365 - day 60
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
project 365 - day 58
Sunday, February 22, 2009
project 365 - day 57
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Another meme from Ginny
More fun from Ginny:
1. What brand & flavor of toothpaste do you use? I'm not particular. It's currently cinnamon flavored something.
2. If you were in charge, what time would work start and at what time would work be finished? Not sure, but it would NOT be a five day work week.
3. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Turkey burgers
4. If you could bring any one famous person back to life, who would it be? nobody I can think of (I'm sucking at this aren't I?)
5. What is one thing we would always find in your fridge... what one thing would we never find? always diet coke and never peppers
6.If you could 'have' one feature from any of your friends, what would you take and from who? Melissa's amazing outlook on life.
7. What is the last scrapbooking thing you purchased? more Thickers
8. What is something that you own that you should probably just throw in the trash, but you never will? a bunch of sweaters that I never wear
9. I push you into a room and lock the door. I leave you there for 6 hours. The walls are hiteboards' and in the middle of the room there is a box of colored markers. What will be written/drawn on the walls when I let you out? well, that depends on whether or not I KNOW you're coming back in six hours. If I think I'm trapped, possibly forever, then I'd write evil crap about you for locking me in. If I knew it was just for six hours, I'd draw flowers. Two very different responses to two very different scenarios. lol.
10. What would be your ideal car? one that cleaned itself inside and out nightly while I slept
11. What was for breakfast? oatmeal
12. Name one thing that is so normal to you now that someone who was your age 50 years ago would think was abnormal. surfing the web
13. I'm letting you trade places with any actor or actress for any performance. Who are you trading with? Kate Winslet for Titanic. Who wouldn't want to make out with Leo!
14. How are you different now from when you were 15? (And weight or grey hair cannot be your answer!) much more grounded in reality
15.Which famous picture would you like to have taken? the flag at ground zero
1. What brand & flavor of toothpaste do you use? I'm not particular. It's currently cinnamon flavored something.
2. If you were in charge, what time would work start and at what time would work be finished? Not sure, but it would NOT be a five day work week.
3. Hot Dogs or Hamburgers? Turkey burgers
4. If you could bring any one famous person back to life, who would it be? nobody I can think of (I'm sucking at this aren't I?)
5. What is one thing we would always find in your fridge... what one thing would we never find? always diet coke and never peppers
6.If you could 'have' one feature from any of your friends, what would you take and from who? Melissa's amazing outlook on life.
7. What is the last scrapbooking thing you purchased? more Thickers
8. What is something that you own that you should probably just throw in the trash, but you never will? a bunch of sweaters that I never wear
9. I push you into a room and lock the door. I leave you there for 6 hours. The walls are hiteboards' and in the middle of the room there is a box of colored markers. What will be written/drawn on the walls when I let you out? well, that depends on whether or not I KNOW you're coming back in six hours. If I think I'm trapped, possibly forever, then I'd write evil crap about you for locking me in. If I knew it was just for six hours, I'd draw flowers. Two very different responses to two very different scenarios. lol.
10. What would be your ideal car? one that cleaned itself inside and out nightly while I slept
11. What was for breakfast? oatmeal
12. Name one thing that is so normal to you now that someone who was your age 50 years ago would think was abnormal. surfing the web
13. I'm letting you trade places with any actor or actress for any performance. Who are you trading with? Kate Winslet for Titanic. Who wouldn't want to make out with Leo!
14. How are you different now from when you were 15? (And weight or grey hair cannot be your answer!) much more grounded in reality
15.Which famous picture would you like to have taken? the flag at ground zero
Thursday, February 19, 2009
project 365 - day 54
I'm featured!
Melissa over at Organized Life by Design has chosen to make me the featured member this month. As a result, she asked me to create a blog post over there about ways to keep families connected. I am not sure if non-members can read the blogs over there, so I'll copy it down below in case anyone is interested.
When Melissa asked me to be a feature member of the month here, naturally I was very honored. She asked me to write a blog post about ways to bring your family closer together. Initially I didn’t think that would be very difficult, as that’s one of the things I DO as a Once Upon a Family consultant. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there isn’t really a simple, cookie-cutter answer to that question. Families are complex, ever-changing, and so dependent upon the various personalities of the members of that family. What works for me might work for some of those reading this, but not others. Some of you might read my ideas and think they are cheesy, and on some level I guess they are. But I think that there is some level of cheesiness necessary to make life fun, and to make family life memorable. So I just ask that if you’re skeptical about some of these ideas, give them a try. You (and your family) might just surprise yourself!
1. Have a family questions night. Have everyone in the family write down three random questions that everyone in the family has to answer. These could be silly things like “what’s the absolute best meal you’ve ever had?” or more serious things like “name two goals you have for your life” or though provoking things like “what are your favorite four qualities about each member of our family?” Asking questions like these that you normally wouldn’t think to ask can provide awesome insight into the other people you share your house with, particularly the kids, who often come up with some very surprisingly deep answers.
2. Start a “pebble jar”. Get an inexpensive glass jar with a lid, and 52 small decorative rocks (Walmart is a great place for both of these things.) Put all the rocks in the jar, and once a week over dinner, take out one rock and pass it around the table, with each person saying what their favorite thing that happened that week was. This helps all the members of your family remember to focus on the good things that are going on around them and be grateful for what they have.
3. Honor the little things. In my house, when one of the kids does something that displays one of the character traits that we’re trying to teach, we’ll do a little honor ceremony over dinner, lighting a candle for them and presenting to them a key with that character trait engraved on it. For example, if one of the kids picks up all the dog toys and puts them away without being asked, they might be given the key of Responsibility for the evening. It never ceases to amaze me what a huge incentive such a simple thing can be.
4. Take the time. There will ALWAYS be things you should be doing (you should probably be doing them now, rather than reading this, right?) But at the end of the day, what matters more – that your kitchen floor got mopped, or that you took fifteen minutes to play checkers with your son? When your children grow up, do you want them to look back and say that mom always made sure the laundry was folded? Or do you want them to look back and remember a mom who enjoyed spending time with them just having fun?
So there you have it. I could probably go on and on, but I’ll save that for a future post.
When Melissa asked me to be a feature member of the month here, naturally I was very honored. She asked me to write a blog post about ways to bring your family closer together. Initially I didn’t think that would be very difficult, as that’s one of the things I DO as a Once Upon a Family consultant. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized there isn’t really a simple, cookie-cutter answer to that question. Families are complex, ever-changing, and so dependent upon the various personalities of the members of that family. What works for me might work for some of those reading this, but not others. Some of you might read my ideas and think they are cheesy, and on some level I guess they are. But I think that there is some level of cheesiness necessary to make life fun, and to make family life memorable. So I just ask that if you’re skeptical about some of these ideas, give them a try. You (and your family) might just surprise yourself!
1. Have a family questions night. Have everyone in the family write down three random questions that everyone in the family has to answer. These could be silly things like “what’s the absolute best meal you’ve ever had?” or more serious things like “name two goals you have for your life” or though provoking things like “what are your favorite four qualities about each member of our family?” Asking questions like these that you normally wouldn’t think to ask can provide awesome insight into the other people you share your house with, particularly the kids, who often come up with some very surprisingly deep answers.
2. Start a “pebble jar”. Get an inexpensive glass jar with a lid, and 52 small decorative rocks (Walmart is a great place for both of these things.) Put all the rocks in the jar, and once a week over dinner, take out one rock and pass it around the table, with each person saying what their favorite thing that happened that week was. This helps all the members of your family remember to focus on the good things that are going on around them and be grateful for what they have.
3. Honor the little things. In my house, when one of the kids does something that displays one of the character traits that we’re trying to teach, we’ll do a little honor ceremony over dinner, lighting a candle for them and presenting to them a key with that character trait engraved on it. For example, if one of the kids picks up all the dog toys and puts them away without being asked, they might be given the key of Responsibility for the evening. It never ceases to amaze me what a huge incentive such a simple thing can be.
4. Take the time. There will ALWAYS be things you should be doing (you should probably be doing them now, rather than reading this, right?) But at the end of the day, what matters more – that your kitchen floor got mopped, or that you took fifteen minutes to play checkers with your son? When your children grow up, do you want them to look back and say that mom always made sure the laundry was folded? Or do you want them to look back and remember a mom who enjoyed spending time with them just having fun?
So there you have it. I could probably go on and on, but I’ll save that for a future post.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
project 365 - day 53
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
project 365 - day 52
Monday, February 16, 2009
project 365 - day 51
Sunday, February 15, 2009
project 365 - day 50
Saturday, February 14, 2009
project 365 - day 49
I know, you're wondering why my Valentine's Day picture would be sports. Well, let me tell you, in their infinite wisdom, the soccer association scheduled their big closing ceremonies where the kids get their trophies on Valentine's Day. Wow. Yay. Naturally I didn't get a pic of the kids together with their trophies, so this is from before the parade. Blissfully, they kept the thing shorter this year than last year, and for that I am grateful.
Friday, February 13, 2009
project 365 - day 48
Thursday, February 12, 2009
project 365 - day 47
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
project 365 - day 46
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
project 365 - day 45
Monday, February 9, 2009
I just made Chocolate Peanut Butter brownies that I got from Sharon at River Street Gourmet. OMG, so yummy. You must try them! All of you!
project 365 - day 44
25 things meme
Ginny posted this on one of my yahoo groups, so here's mine:
1. I am addicted to the snooze button. I hit it for about an hour every morning. Drives dh crazy.
2. I LOVE the smell of dog feet. They smell like love to me. Rico's smell better than Jasper's, but Calvin's smelled the best of all.
3. I've lived in six states, from east coast to west coast and far north to far south.
4. I am an only child, and I do think that it forced me to be more creative growing up so I wouldn't get bored.
5. I am still not on Facebook. I might remedy that anytime now.
6. I am on MySpace, but I forgot my login information ages ago so I've not been on in probably a year.
7. I adore shopping. I can't get enough. Online or in person, I am most definitely a shopaholic.
8. My little toe is odd. It’s way shorter than the other toes and kind of curls sideways under the toe next to it.
9. Despite the oddity of my toes, I get pedicures regularly, and almost always have my toenails painted five different colors. Most people call them skittles or m-n-m’s.
10. I’ve had the same toe ring on for 12 years. Prior to that I lost many, frequently.
11. I love to gamble, esp. Blackjack and Three Card Poker. I was so very excited when we got those games at Hard Rock here in Tampa.
12. When I was little I used to think I wanted five kids. Now, not so much.
13. I chew pen caps all the time. I keep a stash by all my computers, and also by the bed and in the car. If I can’t find one for some reason when I want one I’m like a junkie looking for a fix, digging through the pen holders in the house. It’s pathetic.
14. I was a double major in English and Theatre in college. Then I got out and realized I needed a skill, so I taught myself web design.
15. One of the wildest jobs I ever had was right after college, working as a shot girl and beer tub girl in a bar, dressed in a bikini. VERY good money.
16. I grew up in a tiny little town that didn’t even have a fast food place.
17. If it were up to me I would take in every stray animal I came across. DH is not on board with that plan, so we have just three cats and two dogs (at the moment!)
18. One of the fishies in our fish tank had babies that we just discovered yesterday. I am so excited about this, though I know the odds are good that the other fishies will eat them.
19. I have two tattoos, one that I got when I was 17 and one when I was 21.
20. I like to cook but I don’t have time anymore.
21. I am pretty fairly consistently two years behind in my scrapbooking and I don’t know how I will ever manage to catch up.
22. I think Sugar Free Sobe Adrenaline Rush is about the yummiest non-alcoholic drink in the world.
23. I constantly make new attempts at keeping a journal and I always fail, typically stopping after only one or two entries. Then when I go back and find them again they always seem to start out with “this time I’m really going to keep up on journaling”. Ha
24. I have very little patience, and that’s something I desperately need to work on.
25. I’m really bad about lurking on people’s blogs, and not commenting. But I’m out there!
1. I am addicted to the snooze button. I hit it for about an hour every morning. Drives dh crazy.
2. I LOVE the smell of dog feet. They smell like love to me. Rico's smell better than Jasper's, but Calvin's smelled the best of all.
3. I've lived in six states, from east coast to west coast and far north to far south.
4. I am an only child, and I do think that it forced me to be more creative growing up so I wouldn't get bored.
5. I am still not on Facebook. I might remedy that anytime now.
6. I am on MySpace, but I forgot my login information ages ago so I've not been on in probably a year.
7. I adore shopping. I can't get enough. Online or in person, I am most definitely a shopaholic.
8. My little toe is odd. It’s way shorter than the other toes and kind of curls sideways under the toe next to it.
9. Despite the oddity of my toes, I get pedicures regularly, and almost always have my toenails painted five different colors. Most people call them skittles or m-n-m’s.
10. I’ve had the same toe ring on for 12 years. Prior to that I lost many, frequently.
11. I love to gamble, esp. Blackjack and Three Card Poker. I was so very excited when we got those games at Hard Rock here in Tampa.
12. When I was little I used to think I wanted five kids. Now, not so much.
13. I chew pen caps all the time. I keep a stash by all my computers, and also by the bed and in the car. If I can’t find one for some reason when I want one I’m like a junkie looking for a fix, digging through the pen holders in the house. It’s pathetic.
14. I was a double major in English and Theatre in college. Then I got out and realized I needed a skill, so I taught myself web design.
15. One of the wildest jobs I ever had was right after college, working as a shot girl and beer tub girl in a bar, dressed in a bikini. VERY good money.
16. I grew up in a tiny little town that didn’t even have a fast food place.
17. If it were up to me I would take in every stray animal I came across. DH is not on board with that plan, so we have just three cats and two dogs (at the moment!)
18. One of the fishies in our fish tank had babies that we just discovered yesterday. I am so excited about this, though I know the odds are good that the other fishies will eat them.
19. I have two tattoos, one that I got when I was 17 and one when I was 21.
20. I like to cook but I don’t have time anymore.
21. I am pretty fairly consistently two years behind in my scrapbooking and I don’t know how I will ever manage to catch up.
22. I think Sugar Free Sobe Adrenaline Rush is about the yummiest non-alcoholic drink in the world.
23. I constantly make new attempts at keeping a journal and I always fail, typically stopping after only one or two entries. Then when I go back and find them again they always seem to start out with “this time I’m really going to keep up on journaling”. Ha
24. I have very little patience, and that’s something I desperately need to work on.
25. I’m really bad about lurking on people’s blogs, and not commenting. But I’m out there!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
project 365 - day 43
Saturday, February 7, 2009
project 365 - day 42
project 365 - day 41

Thursday, February 5, 2009
project 365 - day 40
The school had an awards ceremony for all the kids in Kindergarten and First grade that read this collection of specific books. So tonight I took Cole to the ceremony and she got to bring a teddy bear to go listen to stories with her. She instead chose to bring her giant dog. After the reading, they each were presented with a certificate, a book, and some goodies for participating. Super cute.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
project 365 - day 39
Father and daughter, all bundled up in the INSANE cold we've been having here in FL. It strikes me as just SO not right that it should ever get below freezing here. That just wasn't in the brochure at all.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
project 365 - day 38
28 Things for February
Ginny posted this on our 365 Group and I thought it was fun:
Twenty Eight Things For February
One thing I wonʼt let anyone else buy me: shoes
One thing I would love to have, but I probably will never have:. a ton of land
One thing you will never find in my closet:. flats - I love heels
One thing I would choose if I were having elective surgery: tummy tuck
One thing I love about my house: it's big
One thing that I love to do: shop
One thing I would like to change if I could: my lack of willpower
One thing I would change as a woman: again, lack of willpower
One thing I would do if I had unlimited money: volunteer instead of work
One thing I that I will not do again: too many to list
One thing that I would like to do: adopt all the animals that need love
One thing I could do without: traffic
One thing I love to smell: vanilla
One thing I would do if I won the lottery: pay off my house
One thing that infuriates me: people who harm children and animals
One thing that I love about scrapbooking: . reliving the memories
One thing I am addicted to: . shopping
One thing I pray for: . peace for myself and those I love
One thing I wish I had: . bunches of cash
One thing I would do again, regardless of the pain:. belly button piercing
One thing that I absolutely hate to do: laundry
One thing that is weird about me: I chew pen caps constantly
One thing that I need help on: getting things done
One thing I find most relaxing: reading
One thing that could get me in trouble: my big mouth
One thing that annoys me: people driving too slow
One thing I dread; therefore, donʼt do very often: . mopping the floors
One thing that I have learned, but still sometimes forget: dunno, I forgot
Twenty Eight Things For February
One thing I wonʼt let anyone else buy me: shoes
One thing I would love to have, but I probably will never have:. a ton of land
One thing you will never find in my closet:. flats - I love heels
One thing I would choose if I were having elective surgery: tummy tuck
One thing I love about my house: it's big
One thing that I love to do: shop
One thing I would like to change if I could: my lack of willpower
One thing I would change as a woman: again, lack of willpower
One thing I would do if I had unlimited money: volunteer instead of work
One thing I that I will not do again: too many to list
One thing that I would like to do: adopt all the animals that need love
One thing I could do without: traffic
One thing I love to smell: vanilla
One thing I would do if I won the lottery: pay off my house
One thing that infuriates me: people who harm children and animals
One thing that I love about scrapbooking: . reliving the memories
One thing I am addicted to: . shopping
One thing I pray for: . peace for myself and those I love
One thing I wish I had: . bunches of cash
One thing I would do again, regardless of the pain:. belly button piercing
One thing that I absolutely hate to do: laundry
One thing that is weird about me: I chew pen caps constantly
One thing that I need help on: getting things done
One thing I find most relaxing: reading
One thing that could get me in trouble: my big mouth
One thing that annoys me: people driving too slow
One thing I dread; therefore, donʼt do very often: . mopping the floors
One thing that I have learned, but still sometimes forget: dunno, I forgot
Monday, February 2, 2009
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Fun Valentine's Craft
Looking for a cute way to craft with your kids for Valentine's day? This one is simple and requires very few supplies (aka very little money!)
Supplies needed
crayons in your favorite Valentine's colors
wax paper
craft paper or cardstock
pencil sharpener
string or ribbon
an iron
Supplies needed
crayons in your favorite Valentine's colors
wax paper
craft paper or cardstock
pencil sharpener
string or ribbon
an iron
- Take a large piece of wax paper, about 12x18 and fold it in half, then unfold
- Using your pencil sharpener, sharpen the crayons, to create wax shavings
- Spread the wax shavings evenly across one half of your folded wax paper
- Fold the other half of the wax paper back over, so the crayon shavings are between the two halves, then crimp the three open sides a half inch to hold the shavings in
- Put a piece of the craft paper down on your ironing board, then place the wax paper over it, and add another sheet of craft paper on top
- Iron on medium, checking frequently, until the shavings have melted
- Once cool, cut out hearts from the wax paper and hang them from the strings
Anyone else have some fun and inexpensive craft ideas to share for Valentine's day? Bring 'em on!
project 365 - day 36
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