
Friday, April 1, 2011


So I’ve had the new iPad 2 for a couple weeks now. I’m digging it. Granted, it’s not the most practical purchase in the world (but in all fairness, I didn’t purchase it, I earned a gift certificate to Apple for my Fall sales with Thirty-One, and I chose to get an iPad). BUT it is fun. And I’m getting used to it. It’s hard, switching back and forth from my iPhone 4 to my iPad 2 – some things don’t translate so well into the larger size, and on the flip side, once you DO get used to reading emails on the iPad, it’s tough to go back to reading them on the iPhone. Clearly I just need to have both devices on me at all times. And the Kindle. Can’t forget the Kindle. <sigh>

1 comment:

  1. I heart my ipad 2 ;D I'm starting my iBooks Library, but sometimes, Kindle books are priced cheaper though...oh well! Just dropping by! Have a Great Day! ;D
