
Saturday, October 2, 2010

I suck, and some hate mail

Hey blogland. Where have I been? Dunno…slacking, busy, not posting. Not sure why. I do suck. Sorry. In a nutshell, here’s what you’ve missed: my son turned 9, I had a cold, Thirty-One kept me busy. That’s pretty much it.

As for the hate mail – not directed at me, but from me. To my stupid useless CDD board that I hate with a white hot intensity that could sear the very computer I type this on if I’m not careful. Stupid and useless, the whole lot of them. Anyway, here’s my latest letter to the head moron:

I am writing in regards to the supposed violations you say are occurring on my property.

1. We received a violation notice saying we needed to mow based on an inspection done on 9/1. So we mowed. Then on 9/23 we received a violation notice saying we still needed to mow, based on an inspection done on 9/1 and a re-inspection done on 9/1. Seriously? Our property had been mowed twice between the time of the first inspection notice and the second notice. I fail to understand the value of doing an inspection and a re-inspection on the same date, prior to us ever receiving a notice in the first place.

2. We received a violation notice regarding an inspection done on 9/16 saying we needed to clean and paint. First off, I don’t know if you took the photo attached in the dark or if you were just using world’s worst camera, but it took serious study to decode that that was even a picture of the trim over our garage. Once we figured it out, I took the time to both pressure wash and paint the trim, as requested in the letter. Then today I receive another letter saying a re-inspection was done on 9/30 and we’d failed to comply. Really? Because I distinctly remember being out there on a ladder on 9/20 painting the trim, and I dare say there are probably white paint droplets on my driveway to prove it. I’m sure the letter complaining about them will be coming next week.

Honestly, have you nothing better to do with your time and the money of the community than things like inspections and re-inspections on the same day, and harassing people about violations that have already been fixed? How about handling the foreclosed homes with weeds taller than the palm trees, or homes with mailboxes falling off their post? Where do those letters go?

It sincerely doesn’t benefit you to aggravate those of us that do still remain in this community. We’re the ones sticking it out and trying to make this a nice place to live and raise our families, rather than giving up and going into foreclosure like so many others. The sheer volume of people completely fed up with the disorganization and mismanagement of this community is staggering. I hope you’ll take a close look at what you’re doing and how you’re doing it when you’re sending out the next round of unnecessary violation letters.

So there. We’ll see what TweedleDum and TweedleAsshole have to say when/if they respond. Truthfully, I am sure they are going to suggest that our entire exterior needs to be repainted, but that’s just not financially feasible, so they’re going to have to go ahead and continue to levy their fines against us. Apparently we’re at $650 and counting. Bastards.


  1. well im glad to c im not the only person that gets pissed when others waste their time just pissing people off for the heck of it...u go beth....i think u got your point across

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I feel your pain - I live in a dump of an apartment building although pay penthouse prices.

    And you don't mom bloggers we do what we can when we can.., and that's OK - no need to apologize!


    Thanks for the follow. Following you back. and

