
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A post about why I didn’t post today

Today’s lack of blog posting has been brought to you by the fact that I didn’t have an internet connection most of the day. Had email, no problem. Just not any sites. None. Not good. Also don’t understand that. The lessons I have learned from this experience are as follows:

  1. I should not assume that someone, somewhere is “working on it” and that it will come back in it’s own sweet time.
  2. I will have to be transferred no less than three times when calling support. Each time I will need to tell them who I am and why I am calling.
  3. When attempting to reset the router, you have to plug that back in before the hub, or nothing will work. Seriously, people, am I supposed to just KNOW this?


  1. Internet issues are the worst! Glad you got back up and running.

  2. Your newest follower from real wives of chicago. Hope you stop by our blog soon

  3. Thanks Sheila. I just have to remember next time to fix it right away rather than suffering all day. lol

  4. I know how you felt with the internet problem! I recently moved and the internet was not installed for for 2 weeks. I was going through withdrawl. LOL Hopped over from

  5. OMG, not sure I could have done two weeks. 8 hours killed me enough. LOL

  6. All I can say is :-)
    Thanks for the laugh!
    Becky Jane

  7. Becky Jane, glad I could bring a smile to your face. :)

  8. I hate computer/internet problems. And WHY do we have to repeat ourselves 50 times? so stupid!

  9. I don't know. And I don't know why it irritates me every time, even though by now I should expect it. lol
