
Monday, July 19, 2010

on shopping

Those that know me know I believe really strongly in buying from other moms as often as I can. I've had people comment that my home looks like the pages from many direct sales companies, and I love that. I get my make-up from other moms, my skincare, much of my food/spices, many home items, most of my jewelry (at least that that I don't make myself), items for my kitchen, etc. I would so much rather purchase from and support another woman in business than hit up Target, JC Penney, etc. Some of these moms I'm shopping from I actually know, from my local networking group, others I just "know" from online shopping groups, etc.

If you're not yet shopping from other women, why not? Here are some interesting statistics from the DSA website about Direct Selling and the women doing it:

: Direct Sales employs over 15 million people, almost 90% of which are women.
: The majority of women in direct sales are college educated.
: 32% of direct selling women are selling in the clothing/accessories and personal care arena (think purses, jewelry, make-up, etc.)
: The South leads the US as far as % of direct sellers, with 35% of direct sellers in the US residing in this region.

Additional statistics, if you're interested, are available here.

I would challenge you to take a look at some of the products and services available from the wide variety of direct sales companies available today. You might just find your new favorite product!


  1. Hi Beth! Thanks for following My2CentsFL! I'm a new follower to your blog now too! I'm in St Pete, but I was born and raised in Tampa. What a small blogger world!

  2. Following you back from MBC! Great post, I too am very interested in buying from other moms. Thanks for that info!

    Christie from

  3. Lisa, it is a small world! Do you still make it over to Tampa often?

  4. Christie, you are welcome! I'm hoping I can continue to encourage others to support mom-owned businesses. :)

  5. Hi Beth, what a great post! Found you from MBC Simply Follow. You have a new follower! Come visit me at

    Have a great day!

  6. Thanks Jinnia! I just followed you back - love the Eeyore!!

  7. Hi Beth -- stopping by and following from Simply Follow at MBC!

    I agree about buying from other Mom's -- love Etsy for that reason too.

    Dee :D

  8. Hey Nanny, I do love etsy, too! Just hit your blog and I'm following you back. Thanks for coming by. :)

  9. I'm not very familiar with how to find products for sale by moms...I'll start with etsy.

    Thanks, Becky Jane
    Raising kids can be a lot like weeding the rose bed...well worth it, but...OUCH!

  10. Becky Jane...etsy is a great place to start, but if you think about it, practically ANYTHING you can purchase these days is available in some capacity from a fellow mom. Do some searches on Direct Sales or Party Plan companies and you will find SO many companies you've not likely even heard of, most of which have fabulous products, everything from clothing to food. And then it's just a matter of hitting that company's website and finding a consultant, usually through their on-site locator form. :)
