
Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I love my Kindle. I truly do. I think it might be one of the best inventions ever. There is hardly a day that goes by that I don't use it, if only when I'm sitting at the horrible red light near the house that often takes 15 minutes to get through.

I am an avid reader, and have been for as far back as I can remember. Not that I'm often found reading anything that truly fuels my soul or anything like that. No, most often I am reading what many would deem pure trash. Junk fiction. Albeit often by some of the top fiction writers of our time (think Stephen King, Michael Crichton, etc.) Lately it's been anything vampire related. (yeah, I know, so shoot me) And the vampire thing didn't even start for me with the whole Twilight extravaganza, it was back with Anne Rice and Interview with a Vampire (though if I'm remembering correctly, I liked her books on witches even better than her vampire books.) My husband makes fun of me endlessly for this little literary addiction. Particularly since much of the vampire fiction I am drawn to tends towards more of a teen audience, much like the Twilight books.

But in any case, the invention of the Kindle has allowed me not only to conveniently carry around not just the book I am currently reading, but the next one after that, and so on. AND also to maintain some sort of secrecy about the fact that I'm actually not enriching my mind any, but rather just digging the latest in the Vampire Academy series. There's something truly fabulous about sitting in the middle of Starbucks, secretly feeding my guilty pleasure with one of these books, and nobody is any the wiser. Though apparently I don't mind sharing it with the blogging world.

And while I've got you here, you really should check out Vampire Academy. They are pretty fabulous, you know, if you're into that kind of thing. ;)


  1. I *loved* Anne Rice's vampire chronicles (though I think I stopped reading after Vampire Armand - too too much for me) and while I enjoyed the Twilight series, I'm find a lot of the vampire stuff out there isn't enticing me. It could be that every thing I look at is vampire related or para normal in genre.

    And I don't consider some of the stuff you mentioned as junk. I too, read what many would consider junk of "fluff" and am currently on a Nora Roberts kick right now but that's after reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which is pretty heavy (and I highly recommend it)

  2. I loooove Anne Rice, nothing else come close to her & her Vampire series!
    Now following from MBC :)

  3. T, my hubby just read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo but I haven't gotten around to it yet. He also said it was heavy. I haven't ever read any Nora Roberts. Seriously, I'm telling you, anytime I read anything non-vampire lately it takes me a couple chapters to realize that someone isn't suddenly going to turn vampire. lol

  4. Melanie, which other vampires ones have you read? I love SO many it's insane. lol

  5. Have you read Charlaine Harris' series? I read the first one and though many people raved about it, it didn't leave my dying (pun intended) for more!

  6. T, yes, read them. The first one wasn't amazing, but I had heard such good things about them that I'd actually bought the first as part of a set of the first 5 or 6, so I stuck them out and by about the 2nd I was hooked. I also watch TrueBlood, on HBO, that is based on the books.

  7. i love my hubby's Ipad, hehe:)
    following you from MBC. Please, come check my blog and follow back:)

  8. I've really been thinking about getting a Kindle. I listed my blogs on the Amazon Kindle Blog list. Is yours listed? Signed up as a new follower.

  9. Carol, I didn't know there was an Amazon Kindle Blog list...can you tell me where I can find that? Thanks so much for the comment! I'll go check your blog out tomorrow. :)

  10. Thank you so very much for becoming a follower of Little Tots Big Ideas. It means a lot to me. I hope you continue to keep reading.

    Little Tots Big Ideas

  11. I am dying to get a kindle! I guess I am going to have to wait until my birthday. Can you also get magazines on the kindle? I love to read...but with babysitting and juggling my family I dont have time to read as often as I like. I am currently trying to read Hello Vodka Are you there by CHelsea Handler...very funny book. following you from MBC would love for you to check me out at

  12. Jennifer, you CAN get magazines on the Kindle, but I haven't done it yet, so I don't know how the selection is. Honestly I am so insanely behind on reading the printed magazines I subscribe to, that I would feel too guilty at this point to actually go download a magazine. For example, last week I read a Real Simple from October 2008. one day I will catch up.

  13. I think I need one of those Kindle thingies. I'm a reading freak, too but my reading time is often limited to the time I'm commuting to work on the train...which means I need a book that fits in my purse...which can limit my reading choices!

    Btw, loved Twilight. Guilty pleasures!

    Thanks for following my blog, I'm following you too now.

  14. Thanks for following From PDX with Love! Really appreciate it! I'm following you back.
    As to the kindle, I think I would rather have an iPad though....

