
Friday, July 23, 2010


For the past several months, I have subscribed to a service here locally called Groupon. This is essentially a couponing website, where every day a new local company will offer a hot deal to all subscribers. Now, most days these deals are not anything I am interested in, product-wise, OR they are for businesses that are located just a bit too far away for me to want to take advantage of them (really, I am not driving 50 miles to get $10 off at a meat market). But occasionally they will have something that is personally of value to me. Not long ago, I got one for $100 worth of tree trimming services for $40. Not a bad deal. Well, assuming you need tree trimming, which I did, at the time (I have since gotten DH a chainsaw, so I think we’re now good in that arena).
If you are a girl looking for a deal, like myself, you might want to hit up their homepage at and see if they are offering this near you. It’s free to sign up, and deals are automatically delivered to your email inbox once a day. If nothing else, you certainly do learn about a lot of other businesses in your area.


  1. thaks for the tip Ill have to check it out thanks for coming by my site I am now following and look forward to reading more on your blog

  2. You're welcome - I hope they have it in your area. :)

  3. Sounds like a great site. I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for the follow. I am following you as well. Happy blogging!

  4. It was nice to see your comment. Now I am following your lovely blog. Thanks for swinging by.

  5. Hi! I'm a new follower of your lovely blog.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  6. Thanks a bunch for stopping by my site. I've been wanting to try Groupon. I'll have to go check it out.

  7. Love groupon for great deals!

    Thanks for stopping by to say hello. I'm following your blog now :)

  8. I L-O-V-E Groupon!! We have 2 for our area- one for Dallas, and one for Fort Worth, so we get double the dealios! I think the coupons make great gifts :)
