
Friday, July 30, 2010

Another award?

Well, it would seem this is the week for awards here in blog-land.

Jinnia Low over at has bestowed upon me the Foxy Mama Award. Thank you, Jinnia! I do so love being a Foxy Mama!!

To pass the love along, I am nominating the following Foxy Mamas:

Thanks for being the Foxy Mama Blogger Babes that you are!


  1. Thanks so much for the award!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the award. I love it! Especially since I haven't been called Foxy anything since I had my little boy two years ago. If my husband doesn't take notice, at least a blogging friend can (lol). I'm now following, too. I love your 31 Girls project--I'd love to interview you about it for my blog (if your interested). In any case, it sounds so inspirational--we need more women leaders out there!

  3. Girl, that's because our men can be a little SLOW sometimes. lol. Shoot me a message and we can chat.
