
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Maybe it's time we stop making resolutions...

Happy New Year!!! How fun is that? I have always been someone who loves a clean slate, a new chance to be better, be more efficient, more organized, basically more on top of my crap. I love a new week, I love a new month, and I really REALLY love a new year. But let's think about this for a second...

If you had all your old planners, journals, whatever going back several years, would you notice that you start out so strong every January 1st, making lists and making plans and basically prepping yourself to conquer the world...only to completely give up come February when you're not seeing the progress you wanted, or frankly not following through on all those big things you planned? I know I would. It's a big hamster wheel of futility, and I think I am finally ready to jump on. Want to join me?

Towards the end of 2018, I started reading a book called "The 12 Week Year". Their tagline was "get more done in 12 weeks than others do in 12 months". Um, yes please. Sign me up for that. So I loved it, and kind of half assed started implementing my first 12 week year, which I only halfway stuck with. Fast forward to December and they came out with a kind of workbook to go along with it, "The 12 Week Year Field Guide. I haven't finished reading this second one yet, but it really has me motivated to get on board with the 12 Week Year concept and start living my life as if I know what the heck I am doing. So there's that. I have all the worksheets printed out and put in the tracking section of my bullet journal. I am DOING this. Hold me accountable...accountability is a big part of what they encourage during your 12 Week Year.

So, as for this resolution saying I am getting on board FOR REAL with the 12 Week Year a setting of a resolution, or just a declaration that this is the way things are going to be done now? I'm not really sure, but either way, cheers to a new year, new beginnings, and a new outlook!