
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Network, Customer, Host, Team Member - follow my system!

As you know I have built my Thirty-One business to a team of over 1,400 consultants and I get asked daily.... "HOW DO YOU DO IT?".  I will first tell you that it isn't easy but it sure if fun (obviously) - when have you known me to do anything that wasn't fun by choice...NEVER!!!
You first can not expect this to happen over night and you also have to realize that not everyone you talk to is going to be your ideal team member - you also have to nourish a relationship with that person before jumping on them with the opportunity to join your team.
I was recently on facebook and came across a great social media post about a women named Belinda Ellsworth, Direct Selling Expert - Step Into Success - she is amaaaaazing!!!
She had a post about this very topic and may have been the inspiration behind this exact post. Thanks Belinda!
If you are looking to build a large team it is all about inviting them into your system.  I know many of my new and veteran consultants feel overwhelmed by getting customers, finding hosts, and looking for new team members all at the same time.  I am here to tell you SYSTEMATIZE IT!!!

Your system should have different levels that you take everyone through making each step in the system easier to manage but it also strengthens your customer base and gives you more dedicated hostesses and possible team members.  The steps in the system are as follows...
Let's begin with your NETWORK: it is important to build relationships with people so they get to know you, like you, and trust you and eventually buy from you.  Belinda had some great suggestions for this such as starting a Facebook Business Page to build your community, offer a VIP group on Facebook and network network network.  Referrals are where it is at.  By building this community of friends and "who you know" you are going to expand your scope of reach and soon those friends will become customers.  

The next step is CUSTOMER: Once that friendship is built and they know you truly care about them.  They will see the products you have to offer and start to inquire.  These customers will help you reach your goals every month and be an even bigger asset to your business and refer you their friends and also become repeat customers themselves.  I can not tell you how many of my customers are repeat.  Very rarely do I have someone order and then never order again.

The next step is HOST: Your customers are going to be your best hostesses.  They know your heart and have used the products themselves and want to share their great experience with their friends.  The parties will not only help you reach your goals but they will introduce you to new customers to keep your system consistently flowing.  

The last step is NEW TEAM MEMBER: Your host can enter into this phase and join your team and become a consultant themselves.  Your best leads to hostesses are current hostesses.  They know the product, love you, trust you, know your personal why, and want in on the fun!  They want to be able to add to their income and have a great time doing it as they have seen you do.  

By following the system and keeping your system full you can ensure yourself success.  Not only will your income increase but your time management, business success and productivity will improve too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

June Customer Specials Your Going to LOVE

Hey ladies!! Check out this fabulous customer special for the month of June!!! Go Medium this June with these two great products that work together or apart!!! Throw your snacks, towel sunscreen, a good book and sunglasses in this tote and hit the beach.  Then use the insert to keep it all at your fingertips while your soaking up the sun.

Friday, May 27, 2016

June 2016 Customer Special(s)

June (Wasn't it just Halloween?) is just around the corner and we have the most exciting customer special I can't wait to show you!!! This one is a favorite everytime they offer it... the MEDIUM UTILITY TOTE and AN INSERT! If your not familiar with the inserts they have never made one for the medium and now it can be yours for just $12 with your purchase of $35!

Income Producing Activities for your Thirty-One Business

How are you using your time? Are you browsing Facebook getting lost in random posts? Are you sitting there at your desk being "busy" but hours go by and you aren't exactly PRODUCTIVE?

In direct sales and any other entrepreneurial endeavor it is important to know if your activities are actually "INCOME PRODUCING"
These activities can be things you are already doing but are you doing them with intention and are you really present and have a method to what you are doing to be the most effective?

Ask yourself "What do I need to create today?" Do you need more Facebook posts, do you need new blog posts, do you need some videos, do you need to follow up with past customers?  The best way to create this content is to sit down and do these things in batches.  If you are in the mood to write posts why not sit down and hammer out the next week or even months worth of content, if you need to follow up, sit down with the phone and start dialing, one by one and don't get up until you have all the calls complete.

Social Media Content Creation is a HUGE income producing activity but are you just sharing random things and not landing sales, hostess's or recruits? Some things you can do that are "income producing activities" would include, writing tweets, creating content, pinning from your online site, writing Facebook posts with a purpose.  Your posts need to be value packed!! How about video? I know it seems scary but your people LOVE VIDEO! Setup your camera and start rolling.

As important as content is it is equally important to MARKET IT! You can't just post it out there and not promote it.  If you write a blog post about the latest new customer special and why you love it an how they can get it FREE.  Now take that post and create tweets and posts for other platforms linking to that post.  Just as I am going to do with this one.  Create images that also link to the post to get all of your followers driving back to your post.

The next very important step is to ENGAGE!! When a customer comments on a post, asks a question, posts to you it is important to engage with them.  Email them back, reply to their tweet, reply to their comment.

People will sign up with you, order from you and refer to you if they know you, like you and trust you.

Friday, May 13, 2016

My Happy Mail Organizer

If you know me you know I LOVE HAPPY MAIL!!! People often ask me how I keep up with it all. Let me introduce to you my "Happy Mail Sorter" using our amazingly versatile Oh Snap Pockets

I use 5 pockets in my sorter and I label them by week.  In each pocket I have all the happy mail that needs to go out for the week and on Monday I take it all to the post office.  Do you love to get happy mail but often get stumped on what to send to your team, hostesses or VIP's? Check out my Pinterest board here dedicated to Happy Mail to get a few ideas.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Time Management in Direct Sales - The Basics

When having your own business time management is very important.  It is key to know where you are spending your time and to make sure you are spending it wisely and the day doesn't come to an end and you are left thinking "What the heck did I do all day"  In my 7 years as a Thirty-One consultant I have really had to set some priorities and learned to manage my time very well.  If you are like me you wish there were more hours in the day to get done all you need to.  
It seems there are usually more things to do then there are hours in the day.  Time management is essential in all  areas of life, especially if you’re running a direct sales business from your home.  Below I have outlined 10 key steps in managing your time effectively and not wonder at the end of the day "What the heck did I do all day"?

What are some of your top time management tips. Let's share

Monday, April 18, 2016

Getting organized with your business

Often times I am asked by other consultants, particularly new ones about how I organize my business.  They wonder how I manage to get things done and stay on top of everything I have going on and work my business.  The truth is I am a systems girl.  I love systems and organization.  I want to share with you the systems that I personally use for my business starting with my filing cabinet. You may or may not decide to use the same exact files but these will give you a base of what I have and them you can set them up for yourself according to your needs at this current time. I find them to be easy to maintain, so I wanted to share them.

To start off I have a very organized file system.  This is simply a drawer in my desk that I have everything I need at my fingertips.  The files may be different for you however for me and my business they are quite simple.  


 What other files would you add to your drawer? I love to collaborate and get ideas so please comment below and share some ideas.  The next system I am going to be talking about is my e-mail system.  Stay Tuned... 

Friday, April 8, 2016

Baby Boy Style, with Thirty One Gifts

Hey there! Ok so maybe I am a little late to the game however I just discovered the awesome power of Polyvore.  This great tool allows you to showcase our awesome products along with hamazing accessories, outfits etc. to show your customers how they can use them in their every day life.  It also links to exactly where you can get every item to allow for super easy shopping!  I cam across this great consultant who had so many cute ideas already I had to share one of my favorites.  What do you think?

Baby Boy Style, with Thirty One Gifts

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Mail Time!! Let's get real we all dread going to the mailbox because it is always without a doubt full of bills from people looking for money for us or pounds of junk mail that we never look through unless a pizza coupon catches our eye and we can't fathom making dinner tonight and ordering a pizza sounds like a fabulous idea, right? How did I know...because I'm the same way!  If you and I are like that than the chances of our hostesses and customers being like that are pretty high!!
What if we could make one of the most dreaded tasks - getting the mail to only see bills a little more enjoyable for our hostesses and customers? Well you can..... ENTER HAPPY MAIL!!! Ta Da!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tip Tuesday

There are a TON of places to get information. We need to become sponges and absorb absolutely everything we can so we can stand out from the crowd and be known as a “highly trained professional”. Use the resources on to constantly improve your booking, selling and sponsoring skills! Are there conference calls available? Put them in your datebook and make an appointment to BE ON THEM.

Social Media and Your Direct Sales Business

Obviously we are all on social media and we have all seen others using Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Google+ to promote their direct sales business but how do you do the same? How do you know what to post and when to post let alone how to come up with enough content for at least one post per day to each platform?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

7 Foolproof Steps That Make It Easy To Recruit Anyone

I recently came across this post by the amazing Julie Anne Jones, on her blog, - Have More Time, Team Members and Income.  We all know that building our team is key in the direct sales business but often people are reluctant to attend events where they feel they are going to be leveraged to join, marketed to, or feel pressured to join.  WE know these events are not meant to be intimidating in any way however that is not always the case for our guest.  Read on to discover 7 Foolproof Steps that Make it Easy to Recruit Anyone. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Theme Parties Work!

If there is one thing I love it's a great blog or pinterest board with lots of ideas to share with YOU.  I recently came across this AMAZING blog by Lynn Bardowski, Millions Party Girl.  Her blog and website are packed full of great ideas and very valuable insight.  Lynn is a multi-million dollar revenue generating direct sales entrepreneur.  I knew when I came across the great post below I had to share.  Enjoy. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Get In The Game With Direct Sales

Are you struggling with creative marketing ideas after the rush of the Holiday Season and feeling a little burnt out? With SB 50 right around the corner and the entire country thinking about The Big Game why not bring your business to the bleachers and take advantage of the excitement with some really Fun Football Themed Ideas?  Here are a few of my favorites that are sure to score a touchdown with your audience...