
Saturday, October 4, 2008

Getting Boo'd and the Great Pumpkin

My Once Upon a Family newsletter this month had a very cool idea of starting a Getting Boo'd Halloween tradition. I'm posting that here so you guys can enjoy it, as well.

A new Halloween tradition is spreading rapidly grass-roots fashion throughout the culture. Called "Getting Booed," it involves a family making a Halloween gift basket and leaving it anonymously on a neighbor's door step with a sign "You Got Booed." The receiving family's job, then, is to make up another gift basket and play the trick on another family in the neighborhood who doesn't have a 'got booed' sign on their door. Here is a poem you can use for your "got booed" sign.
The air is cool, the season is fall, soon Halloween will come to all.

The spooks are after things to do; in fact, a spook has brought this to you.
"BOO" is a shield, from witching hour, Just hang it up and watch its power.
On your front door is where it works, it ward off spooks and scary jerks.
The power comes when friends like you will copy this and make it TWO.
We'll all have smiles upon our face. No one will know who Booed our place.
Just one short day to work your spell or a big ZAP will strike your tail.
And don't forget a nifty treat, like something cute or something sweet.
Please join the fun, let's really hear it! Spread some Boo's and Halloween spirit!

I thought this was very cute, and it brought back memories of something I started in my neighborhood a few years ago and somehow had lost it along the way. This tradition was called being hit by the Great Pumpkin, and I had a poem for it too, which I am sure I can't find anymore. But around the beginning of October, I went to three neighbors and left them each one of those plastic jack o lanters with a couple bags of candy in them, and left them as a surprise, with instructions to each hit one new person with a jack o lantern and leave the jack o lantern on their front porch so everyone knows they've been hit. It was very cool to see more and more jack o lanterns on the porches as the days and weeks went by. I might just have to revamp this this year, and if I'm going to do it I guess it's about time to get going on it!

If you'd like to read the rest of the newsletter, go here.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Heart Link

My first Heart Link Networking meeting was last night, and it went wonderfully. What an amazing group of women to have all in one place. It's so awesome to see all these women with such a passion for what they do and such an interest in helping others achieve their goals. I would definitely count it as a success. And through the raffles of some very cool products donated by these women, we were able to raise $120 to support the Florida Boxer Rescue Group. Wow! I am already looking forward to the next one, on October 21st. I am sure we'll get an equally fantastic line up of women. Woohoo! Women working together towards a goal can be so very powerful.